• PAW Pride Program

    Image of Paw Pride Core Beliefs

    Click Here to View the PAW Pride Family Handbook

    Fallsington Elementary School is committed to providing students with a high quality education within a clean and safe facility. Our learning community is committed to safety, respect, and responsibility. Our commitment is reflected in our Core Beliefs.

    We demonstrate our PAW pride through modeling, encouraging, and promoting behaviors that reflect our commitment to safety, respect, and responsibility.

    We put safety first by…
    • Keeping our hands, feet, and objectives to ourselves.
    • Reporting unsafe conditions to an adult.
    • Walking in an orderly line in the hallway with our hands at our sides.
    • Asking for permission to leave our seats while in the cafeteria.
    We respect others by…
    • Demonstrating appropriate and respectful verbal and non-verbal behavior.
    • Respecting school property, buses, as well as the property of others.
    • Following directions.
    • Walking silently while in the hallway.
    • Taking turns and including others.
    • Listening to announcements, safeties, and adults during both admission and dismissal.
    We are responsible by…
    • Remembering to take all belongings home at the end of the day.
    • Completing assignments on time.
    • Following classroom rules.
    • Traveling throughout the building in a safe and orderly fashion.
    • Remaining in our assigned areas (classroom, cafeteria, playground, etc.).
    • Wearing appropriate clothing to school.
    • Arriving to school on time.
    • Attending school on a consistent basis.
    • Going to an adult for help.
    Below we have our full behavior matrix poster that can be found throughout the school. To view the rest of our PAW posters click on each of the following links for each school area: BusCafeteriaPlaygroundRestroomHallwayArrival/DismissalAssemblies and Voice Level

    PAW Pride Patrol - Our PAW Pride Patrol is the family involvement and recognition part of our School Wide Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (SWPBIS) program. Click Here for more information and how you might be a random winner.
    What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)? Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is an evidence-based, cost-effective, systems approach for establishing the social culture needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports eliminates barriers to learning, creates and maintains a safe and effective learning environment in schools, and ensures that all students have the social and emotional skills needed to succeed in school and beyond. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports helps schools teach students expected behaviors and social skills, creates student behavioral health and academic support systems, and applies data-based decision-making to discipline, academics, and social/emotional learning. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports uses the three-tiered approach of universal interventions (for all students and settings), secondary interventions (for students who are at-risk), and tertiary interventions (for individual students needing specialized assistance).  Click here to learn more about PBIS.