- Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary
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Welcome to Mrs. Follman's Page
Mrs. Lisa Follman, Principal of Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary
Mrs. Follman's Emails
ER's Senior Clap Out
Please read the linked letter regarding ER’s 2024 Senior Clap Out on June 10, 2024 and the included form to RSVP to this event. Please do not respond to this email regarding questions or to RSVP. Instead, please call our main office at 215-428-4256 and we will happily answer your questions.
Revised Procedures for ER's Young Alumni
Please review the attached letter from ER’s Principal. This letter addresses changes to our procedures for our young alumni/former students regarding visiting ER and attendance at on campus events (including after school PTO events).
Super Duper Bowl 2024
Good Morning,
Today, ER will host its 14th annual Super Duper Bowl! The game begins at 2:25/2:30 PM on ER’s back field (next to the new blacktop and adjacent to Walton Drive). Families and fans are always welcome to come and report directly to our back field so that they may enjoy the game (no need to check in with the Main Office); however, the following dismissal rules will be in place today:
- To ensure the safety of all students at dismissal, we cannot honor any dismissal changes made from 2:00 PM through the end of dismissal.
- This is especially true for parents/guardians who attend the Super Duper Bowl event. Therefore, parents/guardians cannot go to the Main Office from 2:00 PM through the end of dismissal to take home a 5th grader (or any other student) at all related Super Duper Bowl events prior to dismissal.
- We learned the hard way many years ago that an increase in student sign-outs on these kinds of special event days is a major safety issue for all 584 students at dismissal. We just don't have the space, staff and time to accommodate these kinds of dismissal changes.
- All 5th grade students who participate in the Super Duper Bowl are required to return to their homerooms with their teachers and classmates at the end of the Super Duper Bowl for dismissal.
- Suggestions to parents/guardians:
- Parents/Guardians remaining on campus after the game can make changes to a student’s dismissal before 2:00 PM to allow a student to be changed to a “Walker” at dismissal.
- This will allow the student to be dismissed as a “Walker” and report to the pick up area (front of ER) with the other families of “Walkers.”
- If you would like to do this, please use the Notes from Home as the Main Office staff will review and can alert the homeroom teachers prior to partaking in the Super Duper Bowl events.
- These notes will not be reviewed after 2:00 PM.
ER families new to our school may be wondering, what is ER’s Super Duper Bowl?
- Created by 5th grade teachers Jason Miller and Roger Kean 14 years ago, the Super Duper Bowl is a yearly flag football competition that takes place on the back field at ER.
- During the Super Duper Bowl, ER's 5th graders participate in homeroom teams that compete in a series of in intra-grade level periods of play.
- The Game itself is a competition amongst homerooms, but it is more about having fun and working together as a team while displaying our three PBIS core values of being responsible, respectful and safe.
- Each 5th grade homeroom has a team name, tee-shirt and theme which will be on display at our pep rally and during the game. The ER PTO funds these shirts each year for these 5th grade teams. We are so grateful for their support, especially the ER PTO’s 5th Grade Committee!
- The 5th Grade homeroom teams for the Super Duper Bowl are as follows:
- Kean Kongs
- Miller Mean Machine
- Rodriguez Raptors
- Toledano Tornadoes
- The 5th grade teaching team (Kelly Rodriguez, Arlene Toledano, Jason Miller, Roger Kean, Emma Alford, Samantha Young and Alison Malone) and our physical education teacher, Brian Doron, support our 5th graders in preparation and during game play for this event.
- Preparation for the game includes team practices and a food drive to support the Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter in Levittown.
- Students in grades K-4 help to support the four Super Duper Bowl teams by making signs and coming out to watch/cheer part or all of the game.
- The coveted falcon trophy is awarded to the homeroom with the most points at the end of the game, and a “Most Valuable Player” is chosen (and awarded with a large pretzel trophy).
We appreciate the support of our families for the Super Duper Bowl and for a safe dismissal process!
Lisa Follman
Outdoor Safety Reminders
Dear ER Parents and Guardians,
I am sending the following reminders given the outdoor safety needs at this time. I ask that you review all of the information included.
School Zones & Drivers
- The Falls Township Police Department works with PSD to provide crossing guards in two locations to assist our students crossing safely.
- In addition to the speed limit, drivers on Walton Drive should follow these guidelines while within the ER School Zone during marked hours:
- Do not part adjacent to the marked crosswalks.
- Do not make u-turns.
- Do not park and block driveways.
Supervision Outside of the School Day
There has been an increasing number of students waiting outside of our school building before 8:40 AM in the morning and a few who are not picked up by a parent/guardian after 3:40 PM. Please understand that we cannot provide supervision for students before and after the school day.
- Before School - Supervision Not Available Until 8:40 AM
- Please remember that parents/guardians are not to drop off students outside on ER’s campus before 8:40 AM (or on a 2 hour delay before 10:40 AM) as students will not be supervised.
- Professional staff have assigned meetings and collaboration time until 8:40 AM and cannot provide supervision before 8:40 AM.
- Support staff do not report to work until 8:40 AM.
- Main office staff do not provide student supervision at any time. Note - between 8:00 AM and 8:40 AM, main office staff are taking care of attendance communications from parents/guardians and completing required before school tasks.
- After School - Supervision Not Available After 3:40 PM
- Student supervision is not provided after 3:40 PM.
- When a student is picked up after 3:40 PM, any staff member supervising a student is not being paid and is doing so to keep the student safe. In emergency situations, this is necessary and understandable. Otherwise, we cannot provide supervision.
- For any parent or guardian with a schedule that does not easily fit the available supervision for students at ER, I suggest that parents/guardians explore using the Kidscare program to accommodate their schedules.
- After 3:40 PM - Supervision Exceptions:
- Students taking part in ER After School Enrichments and other clubs that report directly at 3:40 PM are supervised.
- Students riding PSD buses that are late arriving (after 3:40 PM) are supervised in the gymnasium until their bus arrives.
Winter & Students Outside
- Cold weather temperatures require your attention as well. Students need to be prepared and dressed appropriately each day to be outside for arrival, dismissal, recess and occasional fire drills (see below for more details about outside recess).
- Regarding recess, there are many variables that impact decisions regarding outdoor recess such as precipitation, wind speed and temperature.
- It is most often the wind chill factor that impacts outdoor recess during the winter.
- In PSD, elementary principals consult the guidelines provided in the Child Care Weather Watch regarding wind chill and heat-index factors.
- Note that today’s wind chill factors fall within the conditional zone, but at ER/PSD we err on the side of caution within this zone. Today we would have had indoor recess if there had not been a two-hour delay.
- Below is my summary from the Child Care Weather Watch:
- Comfortable wind chill factors (combination of temperature and wind speed) for outdoor recess:
- Temperatures 32 degrees and above
- Wind speeds from 0 - 15 mph
- Conditional wind chill factors for determining outdoor recess:
- Temperatures from 13 - 31 degrees
- Wind speeds 20 - 40 mph
- No outdoor recess due to wind chill factors:
- Temperatures 12 degrees and below
- Wind speeds 10 - 40 mph
- Comfortable wind chill factors (combination of temperature and wind speed) for outdoor recess:
Thank you for supporting our students and school.
Lisa Follman