Clever Log In & Instructions

  • Clever Log In Button

    Click to Access Clever

  • What is Clever?

    Clever is a single sign-on for students and teachers to quickly access classroom resources.  These resources include District purchased curriculum, educational technology tools and resources, and websites provided by a classroom teacher.


    What you need to know about Clever:

    1. Clever works when students are rostered to a teacher
    2. Only students and teachers have access to Clever accounts
    3. If a teacher doesn't have students rostered to them, they won't have a Clever account.
    4. Even principals do not have Clever accounts
    5. Parents can use a home computer/desktop for their child to login to Clever - follow directions below.
    6. A Chrome extension for Clever can be added to a parents device using the Chrome browswer.


    There are two ways students can access Clever:

    1. K-2 students can access Clever using a QR code issued by the classroom teacher.  
    2. 3-12 Students can login using the District issued email address and password


    Directions for Accessing Clever

    1. CLICK HERE to view or download a PDF for direction on accessing Clever.