• Business Office

    The CFO, Chris Berdnik, is responsible for the oversight of the Business, Finance, Purchasing, Operations and Transportation Departments, as well as the district's print shop. 

    Business Department Mission: The Business Office supports the achievement of the School District’s mission, goals, and objectives by providing the necessary financial information, analyses, and services essential for sound decision-making and management. 

    Overview: The Business Office is responsible for the overall fiscal management and timely dissemination of accurate information . This includes budget preparation, payroll processing and reporting, accounts payable/receivable, state and federal reporting, investment of funds, managing property/casualty/liability insurance policies and associated claims, purchasing of goods and services, fixed asset accounting, financing of facilities and improvements, debt management, managing federal, state, and local audits, and monthly reporting to the Board of School Directors.

    The Business Office has received awards from the Association of School Business Officials International for budgeting, the PA Association of School Business Officials for purchasing and facilities management, and the inaugural PA Association of School Business Officials' school operations impact award.

    Finally, the CFO serves as the speech and debate coach at Pennsbury High School.

  • Department Staff

    Chris Berdnik, PCSBA
    Chief Financial Officer
    215-428-4114, ext. 10027
    Kimberly Steffy
    Assistant Business Administrator
    215-428-4127, ext. 10035
    Sue Marenghi
    Executive Secretary
    215-428-4115, ext. 10028