PSF Donor Giving Program

  • The PSF Donor Giving Program was created to encourage people and businesses from within the community to support our mission. Contributors are recognized as Educator and Friendship Donor Circle members in accordance with their level of annual giving between July 1st and June 30th. The Medill Bair and Scholar Donor Circles are reached through cumulative donations beginning with the program’s inception in 2016.
    • Friendship Circle Member
                Under $100 in one year

    • Educator Circle Member
                $100+ in one year

    • Scholar Circle Member
                $1,000 cumulative

    • Medill Bair Circle Member with a One-Time Scholarship
                $2,500 cumulative  (*Donor can name the scholarship with approval of the Foundation.)
    • Endowed Namesake Scholarship
                $15,000 cumulative  (*Will provide for a scholarship in perpetuity named in honor or memory of a loved one.)

    • Planned Giving Donor
                Include the PSF in your estate plan
    Please consider joining our generous supporters as a member of the PSF’s sustaining donor program to increase our award-giving possibilities to Pennsbury High School graduates.